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Acceptance of Terms
Access to and use of this Website (the "Site") is subject to the following terms and conditions, which you are deemed to have accepted in full by accessing the Site. If you do not wish to accept these terms and conditions you should leave the Site immediately.

IPcatcher.Net will endeavour to ensure that the Site is accessible for 24 hours a day. However, IPcatcher.Net will not be liable if, for any reason, the Site is unavailable at any time or for any period. This includes server upgrades and other such essential maintenance. IPcatcher.Net will have the right to suspend access to the Site temporarily or permanently and without notice. IPcatcher.Net will not be liable for loss or damages arising in contract, tort or otherwise if the Site becomes unavailable or is suspended for any reason.

IPcatcher.Net accepts no responsibility for the content of any other site to which a hypertext link to or from the Site exits. IPcatcher.Net cannot warrant that the Site is free of technical defects of any description and will not be responsible for any technical problems arising from the use of the Site.

Acceptable Use
Any user who's levels of use of the system is so high that it adversely affect other users will be liable to have their access removed. Any user who causes disruption for other users, violates the privacy of any user or corrupts data of other users either directly or indirectly (such as by introducing a virus via our system) will be subject to legal action and of course will have their IP forwarded to the relevant authorities

Applicable Law
As the Site is established by IPcatcher.Net in England, English Law shall govern its use at all times and in the event of a dispute, the relevant parties irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts. IPcatcher.Net also adheres to all European Union regulations governing its use.



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